Wednesday, 2 October 2013

week 4 follow-up

This week's wake-up (or wish-you-were-still-in-bed) music was Miles Davis's "All Blues," from his milestone 1959 record, Kind of Blue. What's that got to do with research ethics, you ask? Actually nothing that I can think of -- I tried to find something with a connection, but was stumped. Next week I'll find a better musical tie-in.

Just a quick post for this class, given that we had a guest lecturer, Dean Sharpe from the U of T's Office of Research Ethics. Dean kindly agreed to let me post his slides on BB, and you can find them there in the usual place.

One of Dean's historical points of departure for his talk was the Nuremberg Code, which was developed in response to war crimes involving human research in World War II. You can find the text of the code here: Reading this alongside our more recent research ethics guidelines (which, of course, have this code as their ancestor) makes for an interesting compare-and-contrast.

I also mentioned an upcoming talk (tomorrow) by Adrian Johns that will be worthwhile for anyone interested in the history of books, information, and communication technology. Details here:

Also, Junior Professors Research Day on Friday will be a great opportunity to learn about how different kinds of research projects in information are framed, both in terms of research questions and the practical design of projects. Students are very welcome, and the full schedule and abstracts may be found here:

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